The Big Garden Birdwatch is the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers take part, helping to find out how garden birds are doing. You can take part by spending an hour watching the … Continue reading
Mrs Mahadevan
A moth trap was set up under the Oak tree in the learning garden on 17th July and emptied the following morning. We recorded 22 different species out of a total of 55 moths. Common Footman 11 Scalloped Oak 2 … Continue reading
Kingfisher Class took part in this year’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch on Tuesday 13th February. We counted the number of birds seen for each species during a one hour period. We recorded 83 birds of 17 species. Nearly half of these … Continue reading
We put a moth trap out in the learning garden at the end of the school day on 12th June. The weather has been extremely hot for the last few days so we were hoping for a good catch. However, … Continue reading
Kingfisher Class and Peregrine Class took part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch on 7th February. This is an important annual national survey which helps keep track of changes of bird populations over time. We have been taking part in this … Continue reading
The moth trap was set up after school on 6th September near the bird hide and emptied the following morning by Kingfisher Class. Many moths will have escaped because of the warm temperatures and no attempt was made to count … Continue reading
During the course of the week commencing 28th June, Junior children carried out a bioblitz of the school grounds, recording as many plants and animals they could find. A full list can be found here – Bioblitz 2021. Here are some … Continue reading
The moth trap was set up near the Oak tree for the evening of 1st July. It was emptied the following morning by Junior children, making a good start to our invertebrate bioblitz day. 24 different species and a total … Continue reading
Churchyard Wildlife Surveys On Friday 11th June, children took part in “Churches Count on Nature”, a citizen-science event covering churchyards across England and Wales. People were invited to visit their local churchyard and make a note of the animals, birds, … Continue reading
A moth trap was set up in the school garden on the evening of June 14th and emptied by some of Kingfisher Class the following Morning. We trapped 12 moths of 9 different species: Foxglove pug 1, Common Swift 1, … Continue reading
Due to the last year’s Covid-19 lockdowns and upgrading our computers to Windows 10, we have been unable to monitor our bird box cameras online this year. We managed to hook up the cameras to an old data projector just … Continue reading
The Blue tits in the colour birdcam box near the kitchen appear to have given up building their nest and the camera went offline on May 1st. However, today I spotted Blue tits making frequent visits to our other birdcam … Continue reading
Even though we can’t enjoy the school grounds at the moment, the birds are making the most of the peace and quiet! I’ve managed to get the Colour Birdcam back online and there appears to have been some activity. Fingers-crossed … Continue reading
While we are all having to stay home, why not keep a nature diary to record what you see in your garden or out of the window. It could include what wildflowers are flowering, trees that are beginning to bud … Continue reading
Before Half term, children from Woodpecker and Peregrine class took part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch. Over two one-hour sessions, we saw a total of 137 birds and 16 different species. We were lucky to have a flock of 45 … Continue reading