Kingfisher Class took part in this year’s Big Schools’ Birdwatch on Tuesday 13th February. We counted the number of birds seen for each species during a one hour period. We recorded 83 birds of 17 species. Nearly half of these … Continue reading
Category Archives: School wildlife
The moth trap was set up after school on 6th September near the bird hide and emptied the following morning by Kingfisher Class. Many moths will have escaped because of the warm temperatures and no attempt was made to count … Continue reading
During the course of the week commencing 28th June, Junior children carried out a bioblitz of the school grounds, recording as many plants and animals they could find. A full list can be found here – Bioblitz 2021. Here are some … Continue reading
The Blue tits in the colour birdcam box near the kitchen appear to have given up building their nest and the camera went offline on May 1st. However, today I spotted Blue tits making frequent visits to our other birdcam … Continue reading
Before Half term, children from Woodpecker and Peregrine class took part in the Big Schools’ Birdwatch. Over two one-hour sessions, we saw a total of 137 birds and 16 different species. We were lucky to have a flock of 45 … Continue reading
A moth trap was set up in the school garden on the evening of July 14th and emptied by Peregrine Class the following Morning. We trapped 50 moths of 20 different species. We identified the following 17 species: 10 Common … Continue reading
This year BBC Springwatch teamed up with the British Trust for Ornithology and the Open University for their biggest citizen science project ever – Gardenwatch. The aim of this project is to map the resources available for wildlife in gardens … Continue reading
Thank you Mr Marriot for helping to clear out the school’s bird boxes today. Three of the seven boxes cleared out had full nests in and evidence of having had chicks in them. These were the car park box, the … Continue reading
The first chick hatched at lunchtime on 14th May and continued hatching until the following day. Now, two weeks on, we can see clearly that there are 10 chicks with clear Blue tit markings and colouring on their feathers. The … Continue reading
The female has continued to lay an egg every day since the 23rd April, when one egg was seen. It is hard to see how many eggs there are because they are mostly covered up during the day and the … Continue reading
The Blue tits have completed their nest and at least one egg has been laid. However, since yesterday, a wasp has started building a nest on the camera lens. We removed the residue from the lens this morning but it … Continue reading
It’s been a few years since birds have nested in our bird boxes which are fitted with cameras. Today, we switched on the camera in the box near the school kitchen and spotted two Blue tits visiting the box with … Continue reading
The moth trap was set up by the hide on the night of April 8th, 2018 and was emptied by Peregrine Class the following morning. Mr Marriot arrived early and potted up any moths on the outside of the trap … Continue reading
After Christmas, the whole school took part in the Big Schools Birdwatch. The most common bird was the Rook, with just under 50 sightings. We were also lucky to see lots of the glamorous Bullfinch. This year we saw a … Continue reading
The moth trap was set up on the first time this year on the evening of 6th April and emptied the following morning. Mr Marriot kindly covered up the trap when he arrived in the morning so that our resident … Continue reading