KS2 Quad Kid Athletics – Tupton Hall 17th July

Quad Kid Athletics 17th July – Tupton Hall

KS2 children are again invited to take part  with cluster schools in the Quad Kids Activity day at Tupton Hall on Friday 17th July. Children should wear their school PE kit as this is a school event and also please remember suncream and water bottle. Please see separate letter for further details and permission slips. Younger children may be collected from school before the end of the school day in order for parents to get to Tupton Hall to collect older siblings. Thank you.

Brackenfield Well Dressing 23-25th May


Come along to Brackenfield over the bank holiday weekend and have a look at the school well dressing along with others by Wessington School and the church.

The theme this year is ‘anniversaries’ and we have chosen the 75th anniversary of Bugs Bunny’s first appearance on the silver screen.

well dressing 2015
Anniversaries, Bugs Bunny – 2015

The well dressing has been designed and made by children, staff and friends of Stretton Handley Primary School. The frame was brought to school for us to work on during the week and we have used natural material, leaves, petals and seeds to make the design. The central panel is Bugs Bunny and the side panels show some of the other famous Looney Tunes characters, including Road Runner, Daffy Duck, Tweety Pie and the Tasmanian devil.

Past well dressings made by the school are available to view to view on our website.

Cooking up a Red Nose Day!

Thank you to everyone who supported Comic Relief by donating £1 or more raising a grand total of £84. The Children looked great dressed as chefs and cooks and the Infant children made some lovely biscuits for everyone to eat!

RE Quality Mark GOLD achieved!

reambassadors2Stretton Handley CE Primary School has achieved the top GOLD award for the national RE Quality Mark. The REQM recognises high quality learning in religious education. There are only three schools in Derbyshire that have achieved REQM and of those we are the first school to achieve GOLD. This is fantastic news.

Thank you to all our children, especially the ambassadors who met with the assessor and spoke so passionately about our school. Thank you also Mrs Knight, our RE subject leader who has worked hard with staff and children and collated the evidence file.

Artsmark achieved!

Artsmark status

ARTSMARK_BLK2We are delighted that Stretton Handley CE (VC) Primary has been awarded Artsmark status.

Artsmark is Arts Council England’s flagship programme which enables schools and other organisations to evaluate, strengthen and celebrate their arts and cultural provision. It is delivered by Trinity College London and 10 regional Bridge organisations drive participation.

Achieving Artsmark status demonstrates that our school has a number of very special qualities. It demonstrates that we:

  • have an excellent arts and cultural offer
  • are forward thinking and open to development
  • are committed to investing in our staff and young people
  • are committed to listening to our children and providing opportunities for our community
  • have an effective approach to building sustainable relationships with arts and cultural organisations
  • value the arts and culture through a broad and balanced curriculum

To achieve Artsmark, we had to undergo a rigorous application process, followed by a validation visit from a professional arts consultant. We were assessed on many areas of our provision including arts in the curriculum, extra-curricular arts activities, how we work with artists and arts organisations and how well how our arts provision impacts on staff development and the wider community.

We hope you share our pride in being nationally recognised for our arts and cultural provision. We  would also like to take this opportunity to thank all our staff and children in making this possible.

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

Christmas Enterprise Fair and Coffee Afternoon


Christmas Dinner and Party


Early Rider Balance-ability

On Monday the whole class joined in with the’ balance-ability workshop. This is a simpler version for Reception and Key Stage 1 of the ‘Bike-ability’ workshops completed in Key Stage 2. The children completed various activities to help develop coordination, balance and core strength. All the children had a fantastic time and the instructors saw big improvements in all the children as they gained better control and balance of the bike. Well done Woodpeckers!

Reception cooking up a storm!

The Reception children had a great time on Wednesday making a ginger bread house. They have been spending the week looking at the fairy tale ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and used ideas from the story to mix, measure and bake their own woodland cottage. Very generously, the group offered everyone (even the staff!) a taste of their delicious creation! Well done Reception!!