- Admissions Arrangements
- Full Ofsted Report
- SIAMs Church School Report
- Exam and Assessment Results – Due to the small size of our KS2 cohorts, detailed results and analysis cannot be published)
- School Performance Tables
- Remote Learning
- Pupil Premium Strategy 2021-2022
- Sport Premium Funding 2024-2025
- Equality Statement and Objectives 2022
- SEND Information Report 2024
- Complaints Procedure 2022
- Governors Information and Duties
- Financial Information
- School Values, Vision and Ethos
- British Values
- Policies and Procedures
Parents may request paper copies of information on our school website by contacting the school office.
Child Protection and Safeguarding
- Early Help Offer
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024
- Keeping Children Safe in Education Sept 2024
- Keeping Children Safe in Education Part one 2024
- Image Use Policy 2022
- E-safety help and advice (CEOP)
- Social Media Guidance – Parents Guide
- A Parent Guide to Cyber Bullying
- Online: Onguard -Parent Guide
- Extremism and Radicalisation Policy 2022-23
- Private Fostering Policy 2021-2022
- Separated Parents Policy 2022-2023
- Child on Child Abuse Strategy May 2022
- School attendance – the law – Sept 2019
- Prevent Strategy
- Stopping Domestic Abuse Together
Pupil friendly Child Protection Policy
Child friendly Anti-bullying leaflet
Child Friendly Child on Child Abuse Policy 2022
Ofsted 2023
In March 2023, we were inspected by the Ofsted who confirmed that Stretton Handley CE (VC) Primary School continues to be a good school. We are delighted with the outcome and very proud that the hard work of children, staff, governors and parents has been recognised. Here are some of the comments from the report.
This is a vibrant and welcoming small school with a caring ethos. The school’s Christian values are expressed through its motto: ‘ Growing, caring and learning together’. All members of the school community share these values . They are evident in all aspects of school life.
Parents and carers and pupils alike are proud of their school . Parents typically praise the dedicated staff who enable their children to flourish. Parents appreciate leaders high expectations that nurture pupils’ well being and development.
Pupils say that they feel happy and safe at school. Their behaviour is good, in lessons and around school. Pupils feel sure that staff would deal with any worries or concerns that may arise.
All pupils can access a wide range of extra curricular clubs and activities. These popular activities include singing, arts and crafts , nature, cooking and gardening, as well as a wide range of sports. Older pupils enjoy taking on roles of responsibility. These include membership of the school and church councils being playground buddies and being part of the enterprise team. These roles help pupils to develop good leadership and social skills.
Leaders prioritise reading, and the love of books, across the school. They have revitalised the school library . Staff encourage all pupils to read widely and with enjoyment. Pupils who are in the early stages of reading receive effective teaching and support . They read from books that match the sounds they know. Pupils develop well as fluent, confident readers.
In mathematics, lessons follow a logical sequence. Teachers ensure that pupils learn the key facts they need to know before they move on to more complex tasks. Teacher s spot any misunderstandings straight away. Pupils enjoy mathematics and can confidently explain their learning.Leaders have ensured that all safeguarding systems and procedures are robust. They have instilled in all staff a strong culture of safeguarding being everybody’s responsibility. Leaders ensure that all staff are well informed by providing regular safeguarding training. Records show that staff are quick to identify concerns. Leaders respond by taking swift and appropriate actions.
Pupils learn how to keep themselves safe, including by learning about internet safety. They know what to do to protect themselves and others from harmful behaviour and bullying.Across the school, teachers regularly check how well pupils know and remember what they have been taught. Teachers use the findings of their assessments to plan any extra support that may be needed. Leaders quickly identify any pupils with SEND. They work closely with parents and external agencies to address pupils’ needs. Pupils with SEND receive effective support to access the full curriculum.
Energy Display Certificate