Further updates have been added to the diary dates on the Parents page.
Playground Revamp
A big thank you to the parents and members of the community who helped to brighten up the playground over the holidays. Woodwork has been treated, playground markings have been repainted and the mural on the climbing wall has been refreshed.
Additional Dates for the Diary
Term dates and diary have been updated on the “Parents” page of the website. Full information about events will be sent out as necessary nearer the time of the event via Class Dojo, so please look out for this. Dates for sporting activities and clubs to be added shortly.
Term dates for 2024 – 2025
SATs and RSE meeting
April 2024 Newsletter
Parent / carer newsletter
We are working hard to improve attendance and punctuality in school because we know the impact good attendance has on your child’s personal, social, and academic achievements in education. Please help support us in ensuring the best outcomes for the children of Stretton Handley.
Update to behaviour Policy
We have made some improvements to our behaviour system in school and moved from our ‘Good to be Green’ to a ‘ladder’ behaviour system. Our ‘Behaviour Ladder’ provides an effective way to promote positive behaviour in the classroom. It allows for recognition of pupils who are always ready to learn and supports those who need support focussing on their learning. It is a fair approach and ensures that pupils know the rules and behaviours expected in school regardless of what classroom they are in or who is teaching them. Consequences are clear and provide a restorative approach to enabling children to make choices which will help them achieve their potential in school.
Since trialling the new system in January, we have been very impressed with the children’s determination to move up the ladder every single day.
Update to Early Help Offer
Early help/ intervention means identifying and providing effective early support to children and young people who are at risk of poor outcomes.
Early help can provide support with:
·Issues surrounding attendance,
·Support with TAF (Team around the family) meetings. These are voluntary meetings led by school and involve support families with multi agencies.
·Support parents/carers with behaviour at home.
·Provide pupils in school with 1:1 and group pastoral interventions.
·Provide tailored support for pupils with Special Educational Needs.
·Plan and deliver active provision at lunchtime for all pupils across the school.