During April some blue tits built a nest and started laying eggs. As the eggs have been laid, they have been very carefully covered so we have few sighting of them. Six eggs were spotted on 30th April and since incubation hasn’t started, we may expect some more in the next few days. How many eggs have you spotted?
Update: 14th May – The chicks have hatched!
- 6 eggs, maybe more to come!
- Sitting on the eggs
- Nine eggs finally revealed!
Watch a video of our blue tit maintaining her very springy nest and being fed by her mate. Don’t forget to visit the project gallery to view more pictures and videos.
Help us record activity in our colour birdcam box (kitchen nest box) by leaving your comments on this post.
We haven’t been able to get a good look to see how many eggs there are because there are so many feathers in the nest hiding them. The blue tits are spending more time with the eggs, so it is possible that they are now incubating the eggs
Some of the chicks have hatched the female is brooding the chicks and incubating the eggs.
Well done for using the glossary to help spell those difficult words Harry.
The type of Bird that lives in our couler cam is a Bluetit.There are about nine eggs all together and we think five have hatched and four are still eggs.We saw today that the male Bluetit was bringing Maggets for the Female to give to the baby Bluetit’s.They like to have water but becuase there chick’s they like to have things that are moisture just like Magget’s and worm’s.A Male Bluetit is chubbyer than a Female Bluetit.It is alway’s the Male Bluetit that flie’s out of the birdbox becuase the Female keep’s them warm becuase it’s the Mother Bluetit and it keep’s the Baby chick’s alive becuase if there baby chicks and the Female with the Male go out for too long the chicks might die and then they will have too lay some more eggs and wait for them to hatch !!!
The chicks started hatching around lunchtime yesterday and we saw another hatching today. It’s still quite hard to see the chicks and eggs clearly because it’s such a feathery nest!
At 8.22 I saw an blue tip in our bird box
In our other bird box I saw an great tip it was brooding and incubating the eggs.
We’ve counted 8 chicks today they are one week old. We saw one of the adults eating the poo of the chicks. They are a bit bigger, they are black because they have grown some feathers. They are a lot noisier. They have tufts on their heads and eyes are still closed.
It looks like we may have lost a few chicks, with possibly only 5 live chicks in the nest.
Called into school today to video the chicks. There only seemed to be five live chicks in the box. One of the chicks appeared to be struggling and wasn’t attempted to feed when the parents visited the box. I didn’t see any caterpillars being brought into the box, the adults were mostly feeding the chicks spiders.