This is where you can post your comments about what you have seen on our colour birdcam during May 2008. Will the birds continue to build their nest and lay some eggs?
This is where you can post your comments about what you have seen on our colour birdcam during May 2008. Will the birds continue to build their nest and lay some eggs?
I notice there is a lot more moss in the box compared with what there was in the morning, Hopefully it will stay in there this time!
The floor of the nest box had a good covering of moss yesterday and a blue tit was in early this morning rearranging the nest with a “nesting wiggle”. However, later on in the morning, a blue tit has been pinching moss from the box until there isn’t much left!
A blue tit is roosting in the box for the first time. Looks very cosy all fluffed up on the moss.
nice bird!
I am from another school and i have been watching your bird house i think it is really good that you have had some birds nesting we haven’t yet but we are hopeing to get some soon!est of luck that we see more birds in your box!
That blue tit just keeps pinching the moss and throwing it out of the bird box!
Maybe it’s the same blue tit taking the sparrow’s nesting material.
We have been watching the birdcam and have seen a blue tit bringing in moss. It is green and very springy. There doesn’t seem to be anything else like grass or twigs.
Lovely to see the birds again! Conifer must be the in colour for carpet this year! Great to have the time to watch Well done Nikki! Bill Oddie will be after you. Looks very hopeful at last in the colour box. A lovely big bluetit this morning.
last year the blue tits took plop away from baby tits
I’m from a diffrent school and do u have eggs laing????????
As far as we know, we haven’t got any eggs. The birds are taking a long time to make the nest!
A blue tit is roosting in the box for the 4th night running.
The blue tit roosted in the box again last night. There is a white blob in the well of the nest, could it be an egg or is it just a feather?
one egg in our box sitting in feathers
we wached them feed
one bluetit fed the other bluetit then thay left the nest
Our blue tit doesn’t seem to be incubating the eggs all the time but often leaves the nest covering the eggs with feathers. Maybe she is still laying eggs and isn’t ready to incubate full time.
The seventh egg was laid yesterday and there are still only seven today. Probably she won’t lay any more.
This morning the male bluetit was very kind to the mummy bluetit bringing quite a bit of enjoyeble breakfast yummy yummy in mummys tummy.
Went in to school today to reset the birdcams after a powercut. At least one chick has hatched, I spotted the female blue tit eating an egg shell before giving the rest of it to her mate to take out of the nest. The male blue tit also brought some food in and fed a chick.
the blue tit is covering the egg
hello im from heage primary school,
it looks like you have a bird! we have got one! we think it is a grey tit!
Yes, I think you had a great tit last year as well. They are much bigger than the blue tits that everyone else seems to have. The last couple of years we’ve had blue tits and house sparrows, so it’s good to have something different this year. I just hope we get some egg like you have soon!