Congratulations from Minister of State for Schools

Letter from Minister of State for Schools

Dear Parents, Governors and friends of the school,

Some of you may have heard that we were in ‘The Times’ recently as one of the top ten primary schools in Derbyshire. I am now delighted and proud to share with you information that I have received a letter from the Rt Hon David Laws MP, Minister of State for Schools congratulating us on the excellent performance of our children in the 2014 national key stage 2 tests, published on 11 December.

‘Your results show that 100% of your pupils gained level 4B or above in reading and mathematics and level 4 or above in writing. This makes you one of only 149 schools in the country to achieve this level of attainment.’

The letter goes on to congratulate staff, governors and pupils for their hard work and success and ‘you for your leadership in continuing the drive towards high standards of educational achievement.’

As you will know we remain committed to ensuring that we provide a well-rounded education for our children, one that is not just about academic results. We have recently applied for the Arts Mark – external accreditation to recognise our success in Arts provision across the school and we are also in the process of entering for the RE Quality mark.

We are all extremely proud of what we have achieved together and would like to thank parents for their continuing support.

Julie Dunbar

Big Schools’ Birdwatch 2015

birdfoodThis term Kingfisher Class spent some of their tuck shop enterprise money on a large sack of good quality bird food. They also purchased a bin complete with scoop to keep the food in good condition.

The purchase has certainly helped swell the number of birds visiting the school grounds and the children were rewarded with a very successful Big Schools’ Birdwatch. For the full results of this year’s survey, visit the school’s Wildlife Blog and find out about the new bird on the block!

Santa Claus is Coming to Town!

Christmas Enterprise Fair and Coffee Afternoon


Christmas Dinner and Party


Shoe Box Appeal up-date

   Christmas boxes being collected for the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box appeal. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Diwali Day Thursday 6th Nov

We have organised a Diwali day at school on Thursday 6th November. The children will work in mixed age ‘family’ groups and take part in a variety of workshops to learn about why and how this Hindu and Sikh festival is celebrated, including making rangoli patterns and mendhi designs as well as finding out why Diwali is a festival of light. Later on in the term as we approach Christmas – the christian festival of light , the children will be able to explore the similarities and differences in how the festivals are celebrated

There is no charge for the workshops as staff are running the activities and school will provide the materials. However we would like your help. Does anyone have any resources that we could borrow and display? eg postcards, Diwali cards, pictures, photographs of Diwali celebrations or saris, Sikh or Hindu jewellery etc. If so please send them in before Thursday. Thank you very much.

School photographer – Mon 29th Sept

The Tempest school photographer will be visiting on Monday 29th September in the morning for group, individual and family photographs. Please bring any younger siblings in for family photographs at 8.30am. Children with brother/s and sister/s already in school will have family and individual photographs after 9.00am so there is no need for them to come to school early. Thank you.

Well Dressing Materials Required

We will be preparing our well dressing throughout next week for the Brackenfield Well Dressings which will be on display over Bank Holiday weekend. We need large quantities of natural items to build up our design which this year is on the theme, “Dig For Victory”. Any dried items can be brought in on Monday but fresh items will need to come in from Tuesday. Check out this weeks newsletter for suggested items or look on our Well Dressing page or at our Well Dressing Gallery for inspiration.


After school Cross-country – Thursday 6th March

CROSS COUNTRY at Tupton Hall.

The cross country competition takes place on Thursday 6th March from 3.45pm to 5.15pm at Tupton Hall School.

The children will need to be transported to and from the event and parents are warmly encouraged to stay and support and cheer on our school. The children need trainers , shorts or jogging bottoms, t-shirt and a bottle of water. They can get changed in school before 3.30pm so that they can be collected and leave school on time.

The main competition is for Year 4,5 and 6 children and the fun competition, which is a shorter distance is  for Year 2 and Year 3 children.

This event is really good for physical exercise and fitness; it is also the chance to represent your school and good practice for the SPORT RELIEF MILE ( Friday 21st March) as well as being good fun so it would be fantastic to get as many children involved as possible.

In previous years children have experienced great pride in representing their school and also in themselves for the achievement of taking part and completing the challenge.

Letters and slips were sent home week beginning 23rd February. Please return these to school to confirm your child’s attendance and transport arrangements. Thank you.

Jewellery Policy

Jewellery Policy Feb 2014

Following up-dated guidance from the local authority (Oct 2013) the governors have discussed and have reviewed our school policy regarding jewellery and piercings in school.

Our school code of dress policy (reviewed and distributed to parents in July 2013) clearly explains that jewellery is not to be worn in school, apart from a watch and small, plain, STUD earrings due to health and safety concerns. The policy also states that all jewellery and ear rings must be removed for PE and swimming and that if the child is unable to remove earrings themselves then they should not be worn on PE / swimming days.

To clarify the issue of pierced ears further – If your child has pierced ears then the governors request that your child be provided with a small box or container in which to place earrings during PE, swimming and practical activities. Staff will not under any circumstances be expected to or allowed to remove any earrings being worn by a young person. Your child remains responsible for the ‘jewellery’ / watch and the box should be clearly named and placed safely in the child’s bag.

If parents are thinking of allowing their children to have their ears pierced then they need to ensure this is done at the start of the summer holiday so that the studs can be removed for PE / swimming / drama / technology sessions when the child returns to school in September.

 Where removal of stud earrings is not possible as ears have been pierced and this has been done in school term time and not healed, then parents should be aware that their child may have to “sit out of certain activities and only be involved in a way which avoids direct, physical participation/” (LEA Oct 2013).

We do not allow the taping up of pierced ears either during or after the healing period.

If the stud was caught hard enough it could still pierce the tape and penetrate the skin behind the ear.  Removal of tape from either stud or small sleeper type jewellery, if not done carefully can cause an injury in itself and some pupils are allergic to ‘elastoplast’ type tape. Taping up of ear-rings for swimming is not allowed as it is not an appropriate safeguard due to the risk of the tape coming off in the water and causing a choking hazard to other swimmers”. ( LEA guidance Oct 2013)

The school should not accept as an alternative to the removal of jewellery, a parent’s/carer’s assurance that he/she will not hold the school liable in the event of an accident/incident.  The parent/carer cannot accept liability for injury to the pupils during school activities.  This is not allowed by UK or European legislation or Civil Law.” ( LEA guidance Oct 2013)

A full copy of the school dress code policy is available on the information page of the school website.