Red Nose Day Friday 24th

There is a non-uniform day on Friday. Children are invited to dress up and bring £1.00 for Comic Relief. Remember there will still be swimming and outdoor breaks during the day, so please bring sensible footwear and a coat!

The Enterprise team have also organised a fundraising tea party for parents/ visitors in the hall – 2.30pm to 3.20pm. Please support by donating cakes, buns etc. We look forward to seeing you there.

Well Dressing – David and Goliath

Well Dressing 2016

This year the theme for the well dressing is ‘Children in bible stories’. The story of David his victory of Goliath is one of the most popular in the Old Testament.

The children made drawings of the David and Goliath story and these have been incorporated into the design for the well dressing. We have used natural materials to make the well dressing. The frame was brought to school for us so that, during the week, everyone had a chance to contribute and see it develop.

The central panel features David using his sling and stone against the mighty Goliath. The side panels show some of the scenes and items from the story –  the camps/ tents of the opposing armies: the sheep and harp  associated with David and the river where David found the stones for his sling.

The story of David and Goliath

David was a shepherd boy who lived in Israel. He took care of sheep. God chose David to take care of the Jewish people.                                                                                                                                                            David played the harp. When the king of Israel was tired of fighting in the war, he asked David to play for him. David’s music made him feel better.

One day a terrible giant named Goliath started bragging to his soldier friends that none of the Jews would dare to fight him. And he was right. The Jewish soldiers were all afraid of big Goliath. What would happen to the Jewish people?

Then little David said: “I’ll fight Goliath. God will help me.” He went and found some  stones for his slingshot.

The giant just laughed at him. David put a stone in his sling and flung it. The stone hit big Goliath on the head. Then David killed him with his sword. All of Goliath’s friends ran away. The little shepherd boy had saved the Jewish people!

‘Food Glorious Food’- Tesco visits

As part of the KS2 topic ‘Food, Glorious Food ‘ and linked to our ‘Healthy School communities’ work we have organised visits to Clay Cross Tesco for a behind the scenes look at food production/ learn about a varied diet as part of a healthy life style and to sample some foods.

Monday 1st February – Peregrines and Kingfishers

Tuesday 2nd February – Woodpeckers.

Please see separate letter for details and permission slips. There is no charge for the workshops and we are asking parents to organise to transport their child to and from TESCO. Thank you. Each day staff will meet children outside at the main entrance at 9.15am to be registered.

Cross country and fun run competition

On Wednesday 7th October the year 2 and 3 children took part in a fun run at Tupton Hall and the year 4, 5 and 6 children took part in the cross country competition.

All together over 300 children were at the event with 26 coming from Stretton Handley! Our best ever turn out! The cross country course was very muddy and nearly 2 miles long! The fun run course was also very muddy and nearly 1 mile long!

Cross Country and Fun Run

All the children did very well and completed the course and had fun doing so (including the odd bit of mud and conker collecting!).

Overall 11 schools entered the competition and Stretton Handley came 9th. Individually in the Y456 event, TM came 27th out of all 89 girls and MB came 31st out of all 99 boys. In the fun run event, LR and LH were the first two children back for Stretton Handley.

Well done and congratulations to all that took part!

Our trip to Cromford Wharf

First we got on the bus and travelled to Cromford Wharf, we then got off the bus and looked at the boat. The boat was called ‘Birdswood’. We got onto the boat and sat down on our seats, then the boat started to move. The man told us that along time ago, the boat was pulled by a horse but today it had an engine to make it move. Whilst we were on board, we played ‘I spy’ and did some paper plate weaving. In groups we visited the cabin and saw where the family would have lived, there was a special pull-down bed, a stove for cooking and heating and a place for coal to build the fire, but there was no toilet! Along the way we saw lots of wildlife, and we even saw a dinosaur!
The boat turned around and we went back towards Cromford Wharf. We all had a fantastic time and said a big thank you to the volunteers who had looked after us.

Written by The Woodpeckers.

Early Rider Balance-ability

On Monday the whole class joined in with the’ balance-ability workshop. This is a simpler version for Reception and Key Stage 1 of the ‘Bike-ability’ workshops completed in Key Stage 2. The children completed various activities to help develop coordination, balance and core strength. All the children had a fantastic time and the instructors saw big improvements in all the children as they gained better control and balance of the bike. Well done Woodpeckers!

Reception cooking up a storm!

The Reception children had a great time on Wednesday making a ginger bread house. They have been spending the week looking at the fairy tale ‘Hansel and Gretel’ and used ideas from the story to mix, measure and bake their own woodland cottage. Very generously, the group offered everyone (even the staff!) a taste of their delicious creation! Well done Reception!!

Church video competition winners

Stretton Handley Church of England Primary school in Derby diocese has won the national MyCofESchool competition. The contest  invited pupils at Church primary schools to celebrate what their school means to them, in a three minute film.

The Christian ethos is at the very heart of our school at Stretton Handley. In the video the children wanted to show how Christian values weave through our daily lives and why this makes our school a really great place to learn, laugh and have fun!

The Peak District winning team will join the Bishop of Oxford, Chair of the Board of Education, for tea in the House of Lords.

The Bishop of Oxford congratulated all the entrants: “We were delighted to see the wide range of entries in the competition. The children’s enthusiasm for their schools and the values they find there are inspirational. Their entries are a tribute to the staff, parents and governors and all those who have helped lay the foundations of our church schools over the centuries. My congratulations to the children for their hard work and imagination creating their entries. It’s always hard to pick one winner but I’m very much looking forward to meeting pupils from the winning school over tea in the House of Lords.”

The video can be watched here: