The female Great Tit has been sitting patiently on her five eggs for two weeks and today all that hard work paid off! Four chicks have hatched so far and hopefully the fifth will follow shortly. Both adults have been busy collecting food for the chicks and also keeping the chicks and the remaining egg warm. The weather forecast for the next couple of days is not very good; let’s hope the parents can continue to find the live food their chicks need to survive.
Update 15th May: the 5th chick had hatched by this morning
We will occasionally be streaming live video from the colour birdcam box. Check the live stream if the normal feed isn’t updating.
- One more egg to hatch
- Feeding time
- Grub up
- Five hungry mouths to feed
- Keeping the nest clean
- One week old
- Feathers in pin
Update 25th May: Sadly, it appears that the brood were abandoned from late afternoon on Friday 24th May and they did not survive the night. Perhaps the adults found it difficult finding sufficient food during the recent bad weather.
Sadly, it appears that the brood were abandoned from late afternoon on Friday 24th May and they did not survive the night. This may be due to difficulties of finding sufficient food during the recent bad weather.