Over the last couple of weeks, birds have started nesting in our colourcam box around the back of the school. We haven’t spotted which birds they are yet but the nest keeps growing! Let us know what you spot in the comments to this post.
- 17th April – eggs on show
- 17th April – Incubating eggs
- 3rd May – Chicks have hatched
- 13th May – 5 Chicks growing fast
- 16th May
- 20th May
We thought we could see 1 or 2 eggs on the day we broke up for the Easter holidays (12th April) which would mean that the birds should be incubating eggs by the time we return for the Summer term.
The school was closed for polling day yesterday and when we returned to school today, we discovered that the Blue tit eggs had hatched! We think we have counted 8 beaks. The chicks have yet to get their feathers so they are being brooded by the adult Blue tits. Their eyes are not open.
Disappointed that this year the live web cam never seems to be on when I view.
It’s been a bit tricky keeping the web cam running this year especially with school holidays, bank holidays and school closures for polling days. The program we use to upload to the website seems to have timed out a lot more often as well. I’ll try and get it working again on Monday and post some mor pictures. I’m hoping that the chicks will have survived the recent cold and wet snap.
Unfortunately, it appears 3 of the chicks died during last week’s bad weather, probably because the adults struggled to find food. However, the five remaining chicks are growing well and are already showing some feather markings.
Lucky enough to see chicks being fed before internet picture froze. Saw the dead chicks last week on top of the nest. Reckon the parents must have removed them.
Hoping the connection will stay online a bit more now, as long as the kids don’t shut the program down! Will go down occasionally so that we can record some video. We watch a live stream within school, unfortunately we haven’t got the facility at the moment to provide a live stream to the internet (just a snapshot every 10s).
Doesn’t look like the chicks are being brooded tonight, hope they can keep themselves warm.
Parent(s) regularly feeding chicks from at least 6.30am this morning.
A lot of wing flapping going on today!
Parents feeding chicks every few minutes when I looked, reckon this must be as been all night without food. This early in the morning insects must be hard to find.
Chicks getting very active and as large as parents, Think one jumped up to nest entrance, hard to see with being still pictures.
Our new super speed broadband went live yesterday, too late too sort out a live stream for this year. Maybe we will manage to organise one for next year.
The chicks are around 3 weeks old now and ready to leave the nest. They are constantly preening, flexing or flapping their wings and make frequent visits to the nest box hole and windows. In previously years, they have left the nest at first light, so I’m guessing they may leave the nest first thing tomorrow. Pity it’s polling day and the school is closed. Lists hope the cameras keep rolling!
Seems a bit of a frenzy this morning with the youngsters jumping up and going to the hole. Think one might have gone to the big wide world but not sure as the sunlight is streaming in the nest.
I think most of the fledging activity was around 7:30 with the last one fledging at 7:37.
All chicks left box a matter of moments after last comment. A good day for them, if the weather is same as here, nice and sunny so will be plenty of insect food and caterpillars around.
Although the school was closed for polling day, I was in to do some work on the well dressing. It was lovely to sit working whilst young fledglings were being fed in the tree branches overhead.