The eggs arrived on Monday, they were placed in the incubator to keep them warm and soft. We kept a close eye on the eggs looking to see whether the eggs were rolling or signs that the chicks were pipping out. By Wednesday morning some of the eggs had hatched, the chicks emerged from the eggs looking exhausted! Over the next 24 hours, all 10 eggs hatched. They stayed in the incubator until they had fluffed up and then they were moved into the brooder box.
- Starting to hatch, still wet and weak
- Drying out in the incubator
- Fluffing up!
- 8 days old- feathers forming
In the brooder box the chicks were fed twice a day with ‘chick crumb’ and any other treats that we had in the classroom!
We watched the chicks as they grew and even had the chance to hold them.