House Sparrow chicks usually fledge within 11-16 days of hatching. Not ours though, they fledged this morning after 18 days! They must have found the box very comfortable. The first chick fledged at 7.37 am leaving the smaller chick alone in the box but still being fed occasionally by the female. After changing its mind a few times, the second chick finally picked up courage to leave the box at 9.14 am.
- Two full grown chicks – 2nd June
- Being fed at the hole – 3rd June
- Test flight and bigger chick prepares to fledge
- One chick fledges – 3rd June 7.37am
- One to go!
- Point of no return!- 9.14 am
We shall have to watch out for the fledglings next week and keep the bird feeders topped up. The chicks’ diet will now change from being fed mainly insects to having seed as their main food. According to the RSPB website,
“They are unable to feed themselves for a week after leaving the nest and are cared for by their parents for a fortnight. Post-fledging care is normally left to the male; the hen prepares for the next brood. She starts to lay about a week after the previous brood fledged.”
We will have to wait and see what happens, as we haven’t seen the male bird since the chicks hatched.