Once again 11 children and their parents braved the elements to take part in an early morning bird watching activity at Ogston Reservoir. The children are getting very proficient in naming the birds visiting the feeders as well as the less familiar ones out on the reservoir. I can see that I will be handing out quite a few certificates in tomorrow’s achievement assembly!
- Lesser Redpoll
- Lapwing
- Great Spotted Woodpecker
We saw quite a few species that we didn’t see last week (in bold), including a whole flock of Lapwings, a male Bullfinch bathing in one of the ponds and a lovely little Redpoll. A magnificent Great Spotted Woodpecker also visited twice. In total we saw 27 different bird species (3 more than last week):
Mallard, Tufted Duck, Great Crested Grebe, Canada Goose, Little Grebe,Lapwing, Black-headed Gull, Gadwall, Grey Heron, Teal, Coot, Cormorant, Pied Wagtail, Robin, Nuthatch, Blue Tit, Coal Tit, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, Goldfinch, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, Redpoll, Reed Bunting, Dunnock, Blackbird and Bullfinch.
Someone said they saw a ‘Nut Tit’! I wonder if it looked like this?