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Let us know what you have seen happening in our colour birdcam box by leaving a comment below.
(Previous year’s comments can be seen on the 2016 Colour Birdcam Page)
The Blue tits have been busy bringing in nesting material today.
I hope the birds lay eggs soon!
I hope they do too! Need to make their nest first though!
Blue Tit roosting tonight.
The wasps seem to have left the blue tits alone today. Blue tit roosting in the box again tonight.
Think I can see three eggs this morning.
Glad they have layed the eggs can’t make up my mind how many there are though
Five eggs this morning, could possibly be sixth hidden by feather.
Likely to be at least 6 as we spotted 1 on Monday.
Reckon I can count 7 this morning.
I think their are at least 10 eggs mabye even 11!!! I hope they hatch soon:)???????? .
When the adult left the nest I could see 3 or 4 eggs and the rest of the nest was a pinkish colour….. and moving, so probably 6 or so chicks.
I think all the eggs have hatched now.
Yay the chicks have hatched so glad
The chic’s are getting bigger. ????
The chicks have grown so much over the last week, we can now see that there are 10 chicks! Their eyes are now open and you can see their wing feathers developing. Although they are left alone for a while during the day whilst both adult birds are collecting food for them, they are still brooded at night to keep them warm.
We are hoping that they will wait to fledge until we are back after half-term but it will be a close thing, so keep watching the birdcam and let us know what you see.
The chicks are now looking like Blue tits, you can clearly see their feather markings and colours.
The chicks are sleeping alone tonight without a brooding adult.
All 10 still going strong! They look ready to fledge!
Still 10 chicks in the nest this morning.
The chicks keep jumping up to the windows and entrance hole. Their feathers seem fully formed.
Saw one chick at entrance for long time. Think it went out. Not sure but reckon only 8 in box.
Think they have started to fledge. There were 10 earlier but I can only count 9 now.
Think there are only 8 left in the box for tonight.
4 chicks left in the box and an adult in to feed them.
2 left in box and Adult feeding them. Now 1 as I speak!!
This last remaining chick is definitely the smallest. Heart in mouth that parents still come and feed it.
The final chick fledged at 8.20am having spent over an hour in the box on its own. The adult continued to feed it.
sat on the eggs this cold morning
No comments section or live web cam this year, I wondered why?
Sorry, I haven’t had time to set up a page for 2019 but you can leave comments on the relevant posts of the blog.
Quite a lot of wing flapping going on today.