The bird box image refreshes every 15 seconds. Check the time/date stamp to see if the birdcam is currently online. We occasionally stream live video to our SEGfL Bird Box Project page.
Let us know what you have seen happening in our colour birdcam box by leaving a comment below.
(Last year’s comments can be seen on the 2015 Colour Birdcam Page)
Good to see you back. Blue Tit or Great Tit, { Think it is Blue } snuggled up asleep at about 5.50 pm.
Well I got that wrong!! it is definitely a Great Tit, saw the head markings when it left the box this morning.
What time did you see it leave?
It looked out of the box once and went back putting head between wings, I suspect because of the weather. It braved it and flew off about 7.15 am
I don’t blame it, we had rain, sleet and snow earlier!
Not been roosting for the last two nights.
Great tit back in tonight.
Bird roosting again, first time since 28th March.