A New Nesting Season Starts

Birds are already checking out all our school boxes around the school grounds. Tree Sparrows have been building a nest in our B&W birdcam box and House Sparrows have been seen taking a little nesting material into our Colour birdcam box. We have also seen Blue tits going in and out of the box near the pond.

Blue tit – Car park box, Tree sparrow – B&W box, House Sparrow – Colourcam box

Please tell us what you see happening in our nest boxes by leaving a comment on this post.


A New Nesting Season Starts — 4 Comments

  1. Today Mr Marriott and Mr Cooke helped carry out adjustments to some of our boxes and put a new box in the wooded area which was made by one of the children. Metal plates were added to the Sparrow terrace to help protect any future nestlings from predators and the box was relocated slightly higher on the building. The camera in the colourcam box was replaced with a new one to give a better picture.

  2. Last Friday (23rd March), we put up three more boxes made by DS and his Granddad. We also came across a Robin sitting on a nest and possibly some eggs.

    As I was pulling in to the staff car park this morning, I spotted a Blue tit investigating one of the boxes!

  3. Woke up to nearly 5 cm of snow this morning. Checked the live feed from the B&W box and a Tree Sparrow was looking out of the hole wondering whether it should go out! The Derby Peregrine may are due to lay another egg today if they are to have 4 eggs this year. Can’t be much fun incubating eggs in the open when it is snowing!

  4. I popped by school today to switch the B&W birdcam back on which had stopped streaming after last week’s snow. There was no sign of the Tree Sparrows, although this teatime, one of the Tree Sparrows has been spending a lot of time sitting very still in the box. It’s possible they have already started incubating eggs.

    I also checked the Robin nest near the gate which had 5 eggs in it by the end of last term. It was empty, which probably means the clutch failed or was predated. However, I noticed a pair of Long-tailed tits collecting lichen from trees and building a nest in the Hawthorn hedge near the road. The nest was about halfway built.

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