Mr Durward very kindly helped me clean out the nest boxes last week and modified the boxes to make them easier to clean out in future years. If you look carefully, the colour birdcam box has markings on it which will help us measure the depth of the nest. Let’s hope the birds appreciate our efforts and have a successful nesting season.
The birdcams will be live on the Internet, at least during school hours, from now on. Please let us know if you spot anything.
A blue tit seems to have come in to shelter from the snow. Looks like it is going to stay the night
year 5 spotted a bluetit in the box after 12.
I hope a bird comes soon dont you anyway bye bye birdy.
Hi Mrs mahadevan I think this bird cam is awsome im still keeping an eye on the bird box and also because of it i now want there to be more birdeys!!!!
soooooo i have just made a bird feeder (I put dried mealworms in there evry day) by the way (for the year 6s) secondary school isn`t all bad, after a while you find your way around, the teachers aren`t that bad and you get the normal amount of homework too, the foods fine so you’ve got nothing to worry about and if you do have trouble with something you can just talk to the head of year
hope you all hear my message especially year 6s from