BBC Terrific Scientific has had a brilliant year! Pupils all over the country, including Stretton Handley, have carried out investigations and up loaded results onto the BBC interactive website and to university scientists. Children have: tested their taste buds; found out about different types of water in the UK; explored forces, including wind resistance; investigated how the clock changes affect response times and explored trees in the school grounds, carrying out their own research. By taking part, children have collected and submitted vital data. Without this data, universities would not be able to further their research so we have been making an important contribution to science!
As a result of the hard work and dedication of our staff and children our school has been awarded Terrific Scientific ‘School of Excellence’ status.This award is supported by the Primary Science Quality Mark and the BBC. We have received the BBC Terrific Scientific Certificate of Excellence and a digital logo to use on our website/ letterheads etc.
For further information please see our Terrific Scientific page.