As part of the KS2 ‘Food, Glorious Food ‘ topic, children have been learning about Shrove Tuesday and eating delicious pancakes with a choice of topping. All the children in school had an opportunity to try a pancake.
Peregrines (Class 2)
Autumn disco – Pumpkin designs
Children had a great time at the Autumn disco. Here are some photos of the creative designs for the pumpkin competition. There were some amazing ideas including unicorns,a panda,an owl, beef burger, pirate ship and autumn scenes as well as some intricate carving. Well done to everyone who took part.
Fire safety Workshops 2nd October
Thank you to Chris from the Derbyshire Fire Rescue Service, who visited school on Tuesday 2 October to lead workshops with the whole school about Fire Safety.
Woodpeckers watched a demonstration video about fire safety at home and learnt lots of useful information about ‘out of sight, out of reach, out of harm’ and ‘freeze, drop and roll’ strategies.
Peregrines and Kingfishers learnt about the Fire Triangle, how quickly a fire can take hold and the importance of smoke alarms and having a family fire plan.
Zoolab Workshops
The children had a fantastic time at the Zoolab workshops on Tuesday 9th July. Woodpeckers learnt all about exotic pets and KS2 had a virtual journey through the layers of the rainforest. The children were able to handle and stroke many of the creatures, which included a giant snail, millipede, snake, daigu and gecko. Here are some photos of the visit
Easter Celebration Day 11 April 2019
Children worked in family groups and rotated round a series of egg-citing Easter workshops, egg-sploring the Easter Story: designing an Easter garden; making unleavened bread; creating Easter crosses and Palm leaves and learning about Easter Week. They enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt outside, egg-xamining the school grounds very carefully to seek out their own mini-eggs and making sure they did not pass on secret information about where other eggs were hidden! In the afternoon children created their own Easter cards to take home. At the end of the day parents were invited into school to have a look round at the egg-cellent work.
Rotten Romans -Partake History Workshop
KS2 ‘Rotten Romans’ – Partake History workshop
This term Peregrines and Kingfishers are taking part in an exciting topic ‘Rotten Romans’ – all about life in Britain in Roman times and the impact of the Roman invasions and settlement.
Children enjoyed an exciting day of workshops with Partake History on 25th February.
Children will be developing their team skills by learning to use their shields while under attack, in the ‘tortoise’ formation. They will become engineers by building an arch, try writing on wax tablets and then create a mosaic for the bath house. They will try their hand at a Roman game of chance and indulging their senses with some flavours of ‘The Empire’ with a Roman food-tasting session. There will also be an opportunity to learn about Roman dress, armour and weaponry as two children are transformed into Portia, a Roman noble lady and her brother Marcellus, a Roman soldier. They will handle and investigate extraordinary artefacts and inventions, all with a link to health and hygiene.
Here are some photos taken on the day………..
INSET and Closure Dates
INSET Dates (School closed for pupils)
Monday 3 June
Monday 17 June
Monday 22 July
Last day of summer term Friday 19 July. Year 6 Leavers’s service at 1.30 pm.
Polling Day – school closed Thursday 2 May
May Day – school closed Monday 6 May
Games Mark GOLD 2017-18
We are very proud that Stretton Handley Primary has, for the fourth year running been awarded School Games Mark Gold Award! Well done everyone and a special thank you to Mr Cooke for leading our school PE/sport programme and for his work coordinating and organising our Games Mark application.
Free Apple Coding Summer Workshops
If you can get to an Apple Store this Summer, Junior children might like to have a go on an Apple workshop but you’ll need to sign up quickly.