On Wednesday 14th November 2018, Stretton Handley CE Primary School took park in the Y5 and Y6 Futsal tournament at Queen’s Park Sport and Leisure Centre in Chesterfield.
With a much smaller and heavier ball than a normal football and only 5-a-side, with smaller pitches and bigger goals, the sport is quite different to football. It is very fast-paced and constant with hardly any outs.
Stretton Handley performed brilliantly, reaching the quarter finals and only losing out 4-3 to the eventual finalists!
Stretton Handley 2-3 Deer Park A
Stretton Handley 1-2 Holmgate A
Stretton Handley 0-2 Hunloke
Stretton Handley 4-1 Tupton
QUARTER FINAL Stretton Handley 3-4 Deer Park B
The children really enjoyed this energetic new sport and hopefully will take part again!