Whole school visit Derby Open Centre / Places of worship
Tuesday 26 November 2013
(Open Centre, mosque, Sikh gurdwara, Hindu temple, Baptist church.)
Please check your child’s bag for information, contribution details and slips about the visit to Derby Open Centre and places of worship on 26th November.
As a Church of England school, we are keen to develop in our children Christian values of tolerance, understanding , respect etc. Each term we choose to focus on a different value and to recognise these in action in school and out.
It is also important for children to realise that other faiths and other Christian denominations eg Catholic, Methodist, also promote these values and that there are many similarities as well as differences in places of worship and ways of worship.
Children will need a packed lunch (no glass bottles please). If your child receives free school meals – please let the office know if you would like a free packed school lunch on this day. Children should wear school code of dress, sensible footwear and a coat as we will be walking between some of the buildings. Everyone must wear TROUSERS and have some form of respectful HEAD COVERING eg scarf or hat (not base ball cap). Shoes and socks may need to be removed in some places of worship. No spending money is needed as we will not be visiting any shops.
The coach will depart from school at 9.00am prompt (register 8.45am) and we will return to school for 3.30pm. Children will need to be collected as usual by an adult.
Please return slips to school as soon as possible. Thank you very much.