KS2 ‘Rotten Romans’ – Partake History workshop
This term Peregrines and Kingfishers are taking part in an exciting topic ‘Rotten Romans’ – all about life in Britain in Roman times and the impact of the Roman invasions and settlement.
Children enjoyed an exciting day of workshops with Partake History on 25th February.
Children will be developing their team skills by learning to use their shields while under attack, in the ‘tortoise’ formation. They will become engineers by building an arch, try writing on wax tablets and then create a mosaic for the bath house. They will try their hand at a Roman game of chance and indulging their senses with some flavours of ‘The Empire’ with a Roman food-tasting session. There will also be an opportunity to learn about Roman dress, armour and weaponry as two children are transformed into Portia, a Roman noble lady and her brother Marcellus, a Roman soldier. They will handle and investigate extraordinary artefacts and inventions, all with a link to health and hygiene.
Here are some photos taken on the day………..