Friday 18th March 2016 2.00pm
Mr Cooke has organised a sponsored event on the afternoon of Friday 18th March to raise funds for Sport Relief. Parents/ Grandparents are welcome to join us for a Sport Relief Mile (running or walking!) and extra sponsor forms are available in school if required. Please meet us on the Jubilee Playing field for a 2.00pm start.
BBC Children in Need 13th November
Donate £1.00 or more for Children in Need biscuit decorating (and eating)
Sue Millan our Cook will be making some red biscuits for children in Need Day. During the morning the children will have the opportunity to decorate their own biscuit. The most interesting designs in each group will win a small prize and then the best bit – eating the biscuits!
Please send an apron or old shirt for your child to wear on Friday 13th. Thank you!
Children in Need fund raising ‘Ramble’ Friday 13th November 1.20pm
Donate £1.00 or more and join us on a ramble for Children in Need. We are organising a ramble for children and parents of Stretton Handley. All children will be taking part and we are asking for a minimum donation per child of £1.00 for Children In Need. If you would like to join us please complete the slip attached to the letter sent home to sign up.
We will be leaving school at 1.20 pm. Mr Cooke has plotted the route and children need to wear appropriate clothing. We thought it be fun for children to dress for an outdoor hike – trousers tucked into long socks, walking boots or wellies, jackets with hood, small ruck sack with water bottle, biscuit snack, bobble/ coloured or Pudsey hat etc. The walk is approx. 1 mile and finishes back at school. ( Children accompanied by an adult may go home early if we return before 3.30pm)
Countryfile’s Matt Baker shares his tips on prepping for a walk in town or country –
- Work out how long your walk will take and arrange your set-off time accordingly.
- Check the weather right up until the moment you set off. Remember: there’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing choices.
- Kit yourself out with the right clothing and footwear. If it’s a chilly day, wear thick socks or double up for extra padding. It’s always a good idea to take an extra pair too, just in case those boots aren’t as waterproof as you thought! Make sure your walkers wear jackets with hood. Turn a bad forecast into part of the fun.
- Take supplies with you – particularly if it’s a long walk. Cereal and fruit bars are a good source of energy. Make sure you’ve got plenty of water too.
- When planning your route mark potential pit stops.
- Take a first aid kit.
- Other essential items: a pack of hand wipes and a couple of plastic carrier bags (always handy). Chuck a hat and pair of gloves in the bottom of your bag even if you think you won’t need them.
- OK, I know I’ve just told you to take water, snacks, money, phone, extra socks…but, as far as possible, travel light! Share the load by distributing essential items around the group in a good ruck sack to keep your hands free.
- Get a good night’s sleep.
- Show the world why you’re walking and wear something Pudsey.
- Put a checklist together before you set off of things to spot during your walk. Include specific birds and plants, stiles, sheep – as well as particular landmarks that you’ll pass. You could also include a list of games to play; I spy, the shopping list game, ten questions etc. Turn off your technology and turn on your senses.
- Make your walk count even more and pick up litter as you go (there’s a use for those plastic bags I mentioned!)
- Plot your route before you go using a good old-fashioned map – and remember to take it with you.
- Always follow the countryside code.
- And remember – you might be hiking up Ben Nevis or taking a gentle stroll with children and the dog. It doesn’t matter how long your walk is or where it takes you, what matters is that you have fun and raise money.
Cooking up a Red Nose Day!
Thank you to everyone who supported Comic Relief by donating £1 or more raising a grand total of £84. The Children looked great dressed as chefs and cooks and the Infant children made some lovely biscuits for everyone to eat!
Save the Children Christmas Jumper Day 12th Dec
Fantastic Christmas jumpers everyone! Thank you for joining the Woolley (Woolley Moor !) revolution to raise funds for Save the Children!.
Shoe Box Appeal up-date

Christmas boxes being collected for the Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box appeal. Thank you to everyone who contributed.
Start Collecting Tubs4Tablets
This autumn Flora and Stork, in partnership with Tesco, are running a scheme called Tubs4Tablets. We need to collect as many tokens as possible, these can be found on promotional 500g tubs of Flora Original, Light and Buttery and Stork in Tesco from the beginning of October.
Hand us your tokens… Just 50 tokens will get our school one brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0” Wi-Fi 8GB tablet.
As a small school we need all the help we can get so spread the word and enlist the help of friends, neighbours, work colleagues and family.
Playground development – Tuesday 24th June
We are delighted to inform everyone the our bid for lottery funding through ‘Awards4 All’ has been successful and we have been awarded the maximum £10,000 towards developing our outdoor provision. The company ‘Play Force’ will be installing an outdoor decking / staging area at the side of the upper playground, a covered wooden seating area for quiet reflection and for use as an outdoor classroom on the lower playground and an ‘imagination bridge’ in the EYFS play area. Installation begins on Tuesday 24th June and we ask that everyone is extra careful during the next few days when coming onto the playground and to keep their younger children well away from any materials and equipment when waiting for pupils at the end of school.
We would also like also remind parents and adults collecting children after school, that no children should be using the school equipment, entering the EYFS area, or using the trim trail on the lower playground etc during or after school even if parents are watching them. Children only have access to the equipment and outdoor areas under staff supervision during school time, at play-time and lunch-time. This is for insurance and health and safety purposes. Thank you for your understanding.