Autumn disco – Pumpkin designs

Children had a great time at the Autumn disco. Here are some photos of the creative designs for the pumpkin competition. There were some amazing ideas including unicorns,a panda,an owl, beef burger, pirate ship and autumn scenes as well as some intricate carving. Well done to everyone who took part.

Fire safety Workshops 2nd October

Thank you to Chris from the Derbyshire Fire Rescue Service, who visited school on Tuesday 2 October to lead workshops with the whole school about Fire Safety.

Woodpeckers watched a demonstration video about fire safety at home and learnt lots of useful information about ‘out of sight, out of reach, out of harm’ and ‘freeze, drop and roll’ strategies.

Peregrines and Kingfishers learnt about the Fire Triangle, how quickly a fire can take hold and the importance of smoke alarms and having a family fire plan.

Open Morning – Y2 Bible presentation

Thank you to everyone who came along to Collective Worship with Reverend Lawrence on 3 July. During the service the Year 2 children were presented with a bible by Mrs Fox – on behalf of the Fox family. Afterwards there were refreshments and the opportunity for children to show parents round the classrooms and to share their work.

Code of dress- order online!

Code of Dress

Book bags are available from School Office – £5.35 each.

School Code of Dress items are available to order online.

Sweatshirts and poloshirts with school logo are also available to order online from:  (previously known as Tesco online)


Coleman Cup Football Tournament

Stretton Handley played some of their best football of the season at the Colman Cup on Friday 7th June. They beat Holmgate and North Wingfield in the group stage to qualify for the quarter finals where they just lost out 2-1. A fantastic performance by our small school.

Well dressing – Fairy tales 2019

The Brackenfield festival took place over he weekend 24-27 May. Here is a photograph of the Stretton Handley CE Primary Well dressing that was on display. The children and staff worked hard to get the well dressing ready on time as it was a short week for children with the school being used as a Polling station. A special thank you to Mrs Mahadevan for organising and coordinating the well dressing and to Mrs Gill, Mrs Cook, Mrs Fox and Mrs Wilson for their help and support. The theme this year was Fairy Tales and the well dressing incorporated children’s ideas from ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and ‘Three Billy Goat’s Gruff’. Thank you to all those who went along to support the festival at Brackenfield.

Welldressing Brackenfield
Fairy Tales – 2019

Kwik Cricket Tournament

The Kwik Cricket team did an incredible job finishing runners up in the whole tournament.  The team won their group winning all three matches, beating Ashover A by 91 runs, Deer Park B by 40 runs and Sharley Park by 23 runs.  In the semi-final they beat Holmgate A by 53 runs. They were just pipped to the post by Deer Park A  in the final losing our by 15 runs.  An excellent performance by all the team.