Sport Premium Funding is an amount of money which the government has agreed to allocate to schools until 2020. The funding amount received by schools is based upon the number of children of primary age at the school. The Sport Premium must be used to increase the quality and breadth of PE and Sport provision, and increase participation in PE and Sport.
At Stretton Handley Church of England Primary School, Mr Cooke is the P.E. and Sport Leader with responsibility for developing sport and effective use of Sport Premium Funding. Our school has an excellent reputation for our Sport and P.E. as we strive to promote healthy, active lifestyles and aim to provide a range of sporting opportunities for all our pupils. We are proud to have achieved Sainsburys Games Mark GOLD every year since 2014. We welcome the additional funding to further enhance our provision and support us in providing additional opportunities for increased participation.
Click here for details of our Sport Premium Funding 2019 -20