Collective Worship

At our school, Collective Worship is a time when we come together as a community to share and build on our School and Christian values. In Collective Worship, we have plenty of opportunities for spiritual development, moments of quiet reflection and developing a sense of awe and wonder. We have an opportunity to worship God, think about our own beliefs and to understand and respect those of others. 

  • There is a daily act of Collective Worship for the whole school in the school hall every morning at 9.00am. Collective Worship is led by a member of staff, Church Council, other children in school, a visitor eg the local reverend or a member of MAST
  • On Friday, we have our ‘Picture News’ and Achievement Collective Worship. Certificates are presented for ‘Star of the week’, ‘Lunchtime  stars’, ‘Kind and Courteous Award’ and children are recognised for demonstrating any particular Christian values during the week. The Mini-leaders /Sport ambassadors also present an award, to recognise someone who has demonstrated values during playtimes and lunchtimes eg perseverance, determination.
  • We encourage members of the Church Council and groups of children to lead their own Collective Worship throughout the year.
  • Each term there is a School Communion service held at St Marks, led by the rector. The children take part in singing, readings and prayer, as well as receiving a grape and wafer. The services are well attended by parents and members of the local community.
  • On several occasions during the year children attend special services in St Mark’s Church, Handley, for example Easter, Christmas Carol Service or Christingle Service.
  • We celebrate the Harvest, Mother’s Day and Christmas with special Worship in school or at St Marks.
  • Occasionally representatives of other faiths are invited to lead the Worship.
  • There are opportunities for children to join in prayers and opportunities for moments of quiet reflection.

Values for life

‘Values for Life’ is a resource to support primary schools in promoting the teaching of Christian values. The 18 values are:


Each term the Church Council meet to decide which ‘value’ they would like to focus on in Collective Worship. They discuss any links with the church calendar and music and prayer monitors decide on songs and prayers that link in with the theme. To broaden the wealth of materials and provide variety through our Collective Worship, we also use ‘Fruits through Roots’.