Miss Grahem from Partake Theatre arrived to whisk Class One back in time to the delights of the Edwardian seaside.
The children started their trip back in time by curling up in their beds for a restful nights sleep.

As the children stirred they woke up in Edwardian England and started packing for their trip to the seaside. They gathered their suitcases and coats and went to the train station to board the train. As the train rolled away from the station the children became the wheels of the train, puffing along the track to the seaside.
Arriving at the seaside the children got off the train and were taught how to be Edwardian ladies and gentlemen. The boys doffed their hats and the girls curtsied. The children learnt about Edwardian seaside treats and entertainment.
The children learnt about seaside fashions one hundred years ago! The children got into their bathing machines and dived into the water where they became different sea creatures.
As the children emerged from out of the water and back into their bathing machines, they felt spots of rain falling so quickly gathered their belongings and ran back to the train station and back home to sleep.

I think all the children will agree that they had a fantastic morning and learnt so much about the Edwardian seaside. A great start to the topic!