Tuesday 2nd July.
We will register promptly and then at 9.00am the coach will set off to Whirlow Farm Trust.
Class 1 – Please remember you will be outside for activities about animals and plants- bring a water proof coat. Wellies or sensible, comfortable outdoor footwear.
Class 2 and 3 – Life during WW2 .We will be meeting the farmer’s wife and learning about rationing as well as the jobs of a land girl. At some time during the day the air raid alarm will sound…….Please try to dress in the style of the 1940’s and bring your packed lunch in a paper bag. ( A rainproof coat too please) See separate letter for details.
If the weather is sunny please apply suncream before you come to school and bring a hat. Children will be back in school to be collected as usual at 3.30pm.