Woolley News

Academic Year

Issue 13

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This issue of the Woolley News is based on a presentation given at the end of year service.

Infant Trips
The Infants studied minibeasts and were able to follow the life cycle of  the butterfly in the classroom as well as visit a Butterfly Farm. They also had a talk about bee keeping from Mr Goodyear and a trip to a Toy Museum.
butterfly farm

Countryside Day at Chatsworth
Mrs Badhams’ class visited Chatsworth for a Schools’ Day. They took part in a treasure trail and visited the Farmyard.

Adventures at Lea Green
The Upper Juniors took part in a wide range of activities on their 3-day residential visit to Lea Green, including: den building, river walking, a night walk and a high ropes experience!

The older children also took part in Geography, Science and Healthy Lifestyles Days at Lea Green.

At the Seaside!
Parents and members of the community joined us on a trip to Bridlington, where we were extremely lucky with the weather!

Super Sports!
In addition to football and gym clubs, a new sports club was run during the Summer Terms, giving the children an opportunity to try out sports such as orienteering, uni-hoc, golf, table tennis, athletics as well as some fun and games.

Our Junior swimming team reached the finals in 5 events at the Clay Cross and District Schools Swimming Gala.

Derby County Football Club ran training sessions with all the children

Theatre, Music and Drama!
The Upper Juniors visited the theatre in Mansfield to see a Shakespeare 4 Kidz production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Children were also treated to two productions in school - "The 4th Wise Man" and "Donkey Daze".

Muppets Galore!

Fifteen children took part in the Clay Cross & District Music Festival at the Winding Wheel in Chesterfield.

Religious Activities
We are proud that our school has been named as an outstanding Church school by the Church of England. Religious activities are at the centre of our daily life and have included: a Harvest Festival, an Easter service, Godly play, Uncle Michael and James Coates assemblies, an Inspire workshop and helping to plant out the sensory garden at Handley Church.

We collected over 80 shoeboxes for the Operation Christmas Child Appeal. Visit to Derby Cathedral Advent of Lights. Nativity Play
Bag2School collections during the year raised in excess of £200. Children also raised money on "Red Nose Day" by wearing red, selling cakes and sweets and also singing to their parents.
Brackenfield Well Dressing
Junior children once again helped Mrs Robson with the design and construction of our well dressing. This year the theme was Famous People and we chose Beatrix Potter as our subject.

Visit our well dressing pages to find out how we make them.

Bird Nest Box
Friends of School purchased a bird nest box fitted with a webcam. Some blue tits soon moved in, 6 eggs were laid and 5 chicks hatched. The children were able to watch the drama unfold in the classrooms and on the school web site birdcam pages.

We also observed Derby Cathedral’s Peregrine Falcons raise a family by watching their birdcam.

The Great Outdoors
As always, we made great use of our fantastic grounds. We had 2 fun-filled outdoor days when children took part in science and art activities, challenges, a Mini Olympics and fire lighting.
Goodbye to old Friends!
This year we were sorry to say goodbye to Mrs Lounds (our cook), Mrs Hopkinson (Mid-day supervisor) and Mrs Wadd, who taught Junior children to play the recorder

Bon Voyage !
Year 6 children had the opportunity to visit their chosen secondary schools in their final term. We wished them all a fond farewell at a special leavers' assembly, when the Friends of School and the children presented them with gifts to remember us by.