The beginning of March brought a few days of relatively warmer weather; we noticed that our nest boxes were attracting some day time visitors as well as the night time roosting birds. However, the snow in the second week may have put all thoughts of nesting on hold! In addition to the Great Tit which roosts in the colour birdcam box every night, we now have a Blue Tit roosting in the B&W birdcam box. Hopefully our resident Tree Sparrows will take up residence in the Sparrow terrace nest boxes which Mr Marriot helped to put up last week. These were kindly given to us by a member of Ogston Bird Club.
Please leave a comment if you see any birds investigating the school nest boxes.
Don’t forget to keep an eye on the Derby Cathedral Peregrine Falcons; they are expected to lay their first egg any day now. This year, the Peregrine Project team will be streaming even more live video from the nesting site. Webcams
Update: 11th April – Derby Cathedral Peregrines laid their forth and final egg of their clutch. Watch out for chicks hatching in about 30 days time!
Where’s our Great Tit gone! For the first night this year, there isn’t a Great Tit roosting in the Colour cam box. With all the snow forecast for tonight, I hope it’s found somewhere warm to sleep; maybe it’s sleeping in one of our new boxes.
I popped into school yesterday (3rd April) to top up the feeders. I observed Blue tits investigating the following nest boxes: B&W birdcam, Silver Birch, Corner, Sparrow Terrace, Pond and Car Park. None of them seemed to be carrying nesting material.
Since Good Friday a Great Tit has be roosting in this box, unfortunately the Cam ‘froze’ for a couple of days.I even managed to see it leave the box on a couple of mornings at 6.15 am. Good to see the Cam back on line.
Popped into school today to reset the camera feed. I think it’s actually a Blue Tit roosting in our B&W box; it’s a bit smaller than the Great which was sleeping in the colour cam box.