We are the ‘Dragon’s Den’ competition winners!

Dragon’s Den competition winners! Dragon’s Den competition winners!

Our winning Dragon's Den presenters
Our winning Dragon’s Den presenters

Fantastic news – our school has won the Cluster Primary School Dragon’s Den Competition! The £250 prize money will be presented to our school by members of the Dragon’s Den Panel in the next couple of weeks. Well done to everyone who contributed ideas and a special thank you to the three children (one Year 6 and two Year 4s) who went along to pitch the winning idea for a ‘learning garden’ to the Dragon’s Den. Our team spoke clearly and well and answered questions confidently. The Dragon’s Den panel were impressed with the way the children talked about the plans and also loved the fact that the ‘Learning Garden’ is building on and developing what we already have. They thought it was great that, as a school, children have already organised Enterprise fund raising activities to support putting plans for the ‘learning Garden ‘ into place.

CONGRATULATIONS – What exciting news!

Enterprise ‘Dragon’s Den’ Competition- Wed 26th June


The final of the Cluster School Dragon’s Den Competion is on Wednesday at Dunstan Innovation Centre. The children have shared their Enterprise ideas for the theme ‘Outdoor Environment’ and now three children will present the selected idea to the ‘Dragon’s Den’ panel at Dunstan Innovation Centre on Wednesday. The winning school will receive £250.

Table Top / Jumble sale 24th June

All welcome!

Monday 24th June 2.30 to 3.30pm


Class 3 have organised a fund raising table top/Jumble sale.

You can donate items for the children to sell or pay £5 to have your own stall. Unsold items can go to the BAGS2SCHOOL collection on Tuesday morning.

Please donate some items and come along to support

The children have exciting plans for money raised from their Enterprise activities – details to follow.

Partake Theatre Workshop – 5th June

Miss Grahem from Partake Theatre arrived to whisk Class One back in time to the delights of the Edwardian seaside.

The children started their trip back in time by curling up in their beds for a restful nights sleep.

As the children stirred they woke up in Edwardian England and started packing for their trip to the seaside. They gathered their suitcases and coats and went to the train station to board the train. As the train rolled away from the station the children became the wheels of the train, puffing along the track to the seaside.

Airs and Graces
Airs and graces

Arriving at the seaside the children got off the train and were taught how to be Edwardian ladies and gentlemen. The boys doffed their hats and the girls curtsied. The children learnt about Edwardian seaside treats and entertainment.
The children learnt about seaside fashions one hundred years ago! The children got into their bathing machines and dived into the water where they became different sea creatures.

As the children emerged from out of the water and back into their bathing machines, they felt spots of rain falling so quickly gathered their belongings and ran back to the train station and back home to sleep.

I think all the children will agree that they had a fantastic morning and learnt so much about the Edwardian seaside. A great start to the topic!

Well Dressed!

We managed to complete our contribution to the Brackenfield Well Dressings on schedule; it will be on show with the rest of the well dressings over this Bank Holiday weekend. It’s been hard work but we’re sure you’ll agree it was worth it! For the first time the boards were put together in school which meant the children could see the board develop over the week from start to finish. As always, they were involved in all stages of its design from the initial drawings, assisted by Anne Robson, through to adding the variety of natural materials needed to complete the well dressing.

Visit our well dressing page to find out how we make our well dressings and for pictures of our earlier ones.

Well Dressing Materials Wanted

During next week we will be putting together our contribution to the Brackenfield Well Dressings, “The Parting of the Red Sea”. We need natural materials:

Well Dressing Materials Wanted

Fresh materials such as flowers are added last and should be brought in from next Wednesday.

Pictures of our well dressings from previous years can be seen on the web site’s well dressing page.

Plummeting Peregrines and Propaganda Posters!

On Friday, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust visited school to give an assembly about the Derby Cathedral Peregrine Falcons. Find out more on our Wildlife Blog or on the Class 3 Blog. Keep an eye on our birdcams; we already have eggs in our colourcam box and more are likely to follow soon in the B&W birdcam box.

Have a look at the super propaganda posters that Class 2 have designed for their World War II topic.

Staff Sergeant Fleetwood Visits School

This term’s KS2 topic is World War II. On Friday, Staff Sergeant Fleetwood visited to talk to the children about how different it was for soldiers serving in the army in WWII compared with those serving now. He brought in kit and uniform used by soldiers in WWII as well as that used by soldiers today. There were plenty of dressing up opportunities!

PDSA visit Wednesday 1st May

On Wednesday morning we have a visitor from the PDSA visiting , to talk to all the children about caring for pets. This was originally planned for February but was cancelled due to snow.