
At Stretton Handley Church of England Primary School, Music is an important part of our school life. We are incredibly proud of our musical talents, performing at a variety of different events throughout the year.

Music is an integral part of our curriculum, not just because it enhances other areas of learning but because it deepens the child’s sense of humanity, encouraging children to recognise beauty and to appreciate more fully the world in which we live.

The teaching of music is based upon the fact that it is a creative and social art to be enjoyed. Children have the opportunity to enjoy musical experiences through listening, singing, movement and dance, playing tuned and un-tuned percussion and through composition.

Throughout the year pupils take part in various musical activities e.g. church services at St Mark’s and our annual Christmas Nativity. The Derbyshire Music Hub Wider Opportunities programme, provides whole class instrumental teaching. KS2 children have been learning Djembe drumming and KS1 children have been taking part in Musical Explorers.

Music explorers
KS1 Music Explorers

Singing has a high priority at our school.  In the autumn term each year, working with the Music Partnership, our KS2 children have the opportunity to take part in the Clay Cross and District Music Festival, joining with children from  primary schools in the area to rehearse and perform together, leading to an evening musical performance held at ‘The Winding Wheel’ venue in Chesterfield. The entertainment is always of a very high standard.

Each day, as part of Collective Worship, children have the chance to sing together a range of different songs and hymns.