School Buildings

Damp and Dark

The school was flooded with smoke when the stove ( used for heating ) didn’t work because the flue was blocked. Lessons had to start late.

 20th Nov 1890

Because the only form of heating was a stove, it was often cold and damp in the winter.  From 1895 they started to take the temperature of the school room. This record shows the temperature was 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 degrees Centigrade ) at 9.00am.

Dec 12th 1895

The building was poorly lit which meant some lessons like needlework had to be postponed.

Nov 8th 1882


We’re watching you!

The boys urinal used to be in full view of the high road. It was also mentioned by an inspector that a wall should be built between the road and the toilet.

March 8th 1880







The toilets did not flush, instead soil or sand was used to cover waste products (or was meant to have been!)

19th Jan 1898