Newsletters are on the website for your convenience. Please check book-bags for attachments, other letters, information and slips. Thank you.
Newsletter Jan/Feb 2020
Newsletters are on the website for your convenience. Please check bookbags for other letters , information, slips to sign. Thankyou.
Newsletter Nov/Dec 2019
Newsletters are on the website for your convenience.Please check your child’s book-bag for other letters,information,slips to sign.Thank you.
Newsletter Sept/Oct 2019
Newsletters are on the website for your convenience.Please check book-bags for other letters, information and slips to sign.Thank you.
Newsletter July 2019
Newsletters are on the website for your convenience. Please check book bags for other letters, attachments or slips to sign. Thank you.
Newsletter March 2019
Newsletters are on the website for your convenience. Please check book bags for other letters, information and slips to sign. Thank you.
Newsletter Jan/Feb 2019
Newsletters are placed on the website for your convenience. Please check book-bags for other letters, information , slips to sign. Thank you.
‘Online safety’ newsletter
Please see Online safety newsletter Jan 2018 regarding online safety parental workshop on 31st January and tips for keeping your family safe when using online devices.