Futsal Tournament

On Wednesday 14th November 2018, Stretton Handley CE Primary School took park in the Y5 and Y6 Futsal tournament at Queen’s Park Sport and Leisure Centre in Chesterfield.

With a much smaller and heavier ball than a normal football and only 5-a-side, with smaller pitches and bigger goals, the sport is quite different to football. It is very fast-paced and constant with hardly any outs.

Stretton Handley performed brilliantly, reaching the quarter finals and only losing out 4-3 to the eventual finalists!


Stretton Handley 2-3 Deer Park A

Stretton Handley 1-2 Holmgate A

Stretton Handley 0-2 Hunloke

Stretton Handley 4-1 Tupton

QUARTER FINAL Stretton Handley 3-4 Deer Park B

The children really enjoyed this energetic new sport and hopefully will take part again!