Our Curriculum


Our Curriculum has been designed around our school values:

Aspiration, Belief, Creativity, Determination, Enjoyment and Friendship

These values allow us to recognise children’s prior learning, provide first hand learning experiences, allow the children to develop interpersonal skills, build resilience and become creative and critical thinkers. 

All Children at Stretton Handley CE Primary School are recognised as unique individuals. We celebrate and welcome differences within our school community and beyond, allowing our children to become compassionate citizens of the world. 

Our broad and balanced curriculum has been carefully sequenced to allow children to know, remember and be able to do more. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum, supporting children in developing their skills, which enable them to use language to further their own learning. 

Our curriculum progressively builds knowledge, inspires our children through enquiry, addresses the identified barriers to learning, and delivers skills, cultural knowledge and understanding to allow children to achieve every day of their lives. 


At Stretton Handley CE Primary School we have developed a creative, thematic approach to the curriculum. Within each theme, links are made across and between subjects to develop subject specific knowledge, skills and understanding in a relevant, purposeful way. Across school we encourage children to become increasingly independent and to take responsibility for their own learning. 

We engage the children with a range of practical, relevant  experiences and activities, including visits and visitors, to really bring the learning to life. For example, as part of our ‘London’s Burning’ topic, children built model houses, which were then set on fire to demonstrate how the fire spread across London. We also went on a ‘Faith Trail’, which was an exciting opportunity to visit some of Derby’s fantastic places of worship through an immersive experience, bringing our RE topics to life. As part of our ‘All aboard’ topic, we had a visit from a local theatre company, where the children went on a journey to Polynesia and Antarctica, encountering habitats, climates and animals through engaging and stimulating drama and music. 

Our curriculum is planned to:

  • prepare children for an ever changing world where they can be responsible citizens
  • allow the children to build knowledge and skills and to be able to apply these skills to solve problems in a variety of situations
  • provide opportunities for children to be creative and develop their own ideas and allow children to become independent, resilient learners
  • develop cultural capital by providing opportunities outside the classroom environment and build a knowledge and understanding of these new experiences
  • enable children to lead a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle through PSHE & RSE
  • provide opportunities for outdoor learning and fieldwork
  • be flexible and allow us to respond to personal, local and national events through weekly assemblies and First News articles


Children leave Stretton Handley CE Primary School with a sense of belonging to a community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.

Curriculum Policy- 2022

Reception Curriculum Map

Reception Curriculum Overview

Key Stage 1 Curriculum Map- 2 Year Rolling Cycle

KS1 Curriculum Overview Year A

KS1 Curriculum Overview Year B

Key Stage 2 Curriculum Map- 4 Year Rolling Cycle















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