The DEP provided suitcases full of fascinating models and activities about the human body which children investigated in small groups. This was made possible by an enthusiastic band of parent helpers.

Science Week 2004

In March, children and staff all enjoyed a Science and Technology week supported by the Derbyshire Education Business Partnership(DEP).
science week 2004 On Wednesday, Upper junior children solved the murder mystery of Becky Boyle using forensic science skills and deductive reasoning.
Who killed Becky Boyle?
crime scene footprints
Thursday saw the school hall filled with a giant tetrahedron built by Mrs Bevan's class using only canes and elastic bands. This activity was run by Debbi Rodgers and Abi Earnshaw of the DEP.
On Friday all the children experimented with building models from K'NEX. The K'NEX challenge in the afternoon was to build a tower with a revolving restaurant on top, suitable for a centre piece for the Olympic Village.
giant tetrahedron
K'nex challenge