Woolley News

December 2003

Issue 5


News archive

School diary


Welcome to 2004 and issue 5 of the Woolley News. We look forward to an action packed year in which we will endeavour to work hard and play hard. Already we have several exciting events planned. A very happy and successful New Year to you all!

Our Jean

It was an extremely sad end to the year with the passing away of our dear friend and secretary, Jean Wainwright. Thank you everyone - staff, parents, children and friends for your great friendship and support during what has been a difficult time for all of us. To celebrate her life, we held a thanksgiving service at St Mark's which was well attended with children, parents and friends. We remembered the happy times we had spent together in school and tributes were paid to her, remembering the good person she was, her acts of kindness and all that she gave to the school.

Jean Wainwright
Jean on a recent helicopter ride

Christmas Fair

This year's Friends of School Christmas Fair was a great success. Activities in the games room, which included Bagatelle, computer games, name the lizard, sand sieving, jam jar ping pong, and a making table, were well used. There were scrummy turkey rolls and mince pies and the children entertained us with Christmas songs. Many thanks to all of you who gave so generously both in donating goods and purchasing others. We managed to raise in the region of £900.

Back in Time!

After learning about Victorian homes for their history topic, the Reception/Year 1 class visited Elvaston Castle to find out about “Christmas Past”. The children took part in various workshops, made Victorian Christmas cards, listened to stories and played Victorian party games.

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"The Miracle Baby"

Our Christmas performance, "The Miracle Baby" was written by Mr Kirkland. Year 5 & 6 children acted out the scenes with the infant children providing a tableau of angels and shepherds. Years 2, 3 & 4 formed the main body of the choir.

Operation Christmas Child

More than 80 present filled shoe boxes were collected for Operation Christmas Child, a project within Samaritan's Purse, which is a registered charity dedicated to relieving the suffering of children.

"My, What Big Teeth You've Got!"

Lynn Booth from the Community Dental Service, visited the school to talk to Year 2/3 children about dental health.

Tea Towel

Friends of School produced a tea towel featuring wonderful self portraits of children and staff. This was a huge seller, raising just over £300!

Book Fair

A Book Fair was held during December and many people bought books of a wide and varied content. We sold over £300 worth in three days and with the commission, we were able to obtain several new books for school.

Christmas is Coming!

During the final week of term, all children enjoyed a scrumptious Christmas dinner cooked by Mrs Lounds and Santa paid a visit during the Christmas Party.


The term drew to a close with a Christingle held in St Mark's Church, Handley. Donations were taken for The Children’s Society.