I look from up high
and see the ground below,
directly from above I look
upon the wonderful world.

I look from up high
and see the bushy trees,
directly from above I look
upon the glorious world.

I look from up high
and see the people below,
directly from above I look
upon the amazing world.

I look from up high
and see all the animals,
directly from above I look
upon the lovely world.

By James
Bird's Eye View From up above the world is small
and everything looks different.
You wouldn't recognise it at all
from up where the clouds are drifting.
All the colours red, blue, and green.
From up there it's a beautiful scene.
A wonderful sight to see
if you were flying with me!

By Grace   
A Google Maps aerial snapshot of the area around school, was used for inspiration for the children's 'Bird's Eye View', drawings and poems. I am high in the sky
Looking at the field
The farms and houses
The road and trees
The crops and school
The countryside
No people no cars
And hedgerows.

By Vincent