Online Numeracy Activities

BBC numbertime online activities BBC - Number Time
BBC Starship BBC - KS1 Bitesize
bbc revisewise maths BBC Bitesize KS2 Mathematics
Toftwood infant school - online activities ICT Games - online numeracy activities
primary resources online activities Primary Resources Online Activities CoolMath
Woodlands Junior Woodlands Junior School Maths Zone
A very well organised set of links

Crick Primary - KS1 Maths
Crick Primary - KS2 Maths
An excellent range of interactive activies suitable for use with an interactive whiteboard or for indiviual use.

virual mathematics Interactive Mathematics by the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives
Some useful online resources for whiteboard use. (Beware - this is an American site so that some activities may be unsuitable because non-metric units are used).
Maths Whack 'Em Booster
BGfL Maths Booster activity for KS2
Create a Graph Create a Graph
Create a graph or chart online, download or print it.
nrich NRICH
Free mathematics enrichment materials (problems, articles and games) for teachers and learners from ages 5 to 19 years. There are new problems to solve every month.
Bath time with Archimedes Bath time with Archimedes
This simulation involves changing variables by selecting the strength of the water flow into the bath, turning the tap on or off, putting the plug in and out, and telling Archimedes to get in and out of the bath. Supports data handling and interpretationing line graphs in NNS.
virtual counting stick Virtual Counting Stick
A versatile tool to demonstrate and help children visualise counting on and back.
All about ratios All About Ratios - Cynthia Lanius' Lessons
A useful set of exercises to build understanding of ratios. Questions or quiz can be answered and checked online or printed out as worksheets.
A Maths Dictionary for Kids
A very clear, animated interactive dictionary of math terms which includes activities, examples and practice. There is also a section of maths charts (posters) for printing off for classroom display or for interactive whiteboard use.
Ratio and Proportion - - Ratios and Proportions
Clearly written explanation of ratios and proportion, with examples, a workout (to test what you have learnt) and a quiz.
