Design and Technology links

D&T online D&T Online
Great site for explaining the basics of mechanisms such as levers, cams and pulleys. The section on packaging gives information on types and uses of packaging as well showing their nets.

Cam animation
Our own Flash animation which demonstrates how cams work.

Non-flash version

Virtual Teachers' Centre Cymru - Mechanisms
Great lesson materials for the whiteboard
In Your shoes In Your Shoes
Part of the learn with museums site. Interactive activities such as "build a shoe", "label a shoe" and "shoes from around the world" in the pupil zone area.
Shelters for Humans - Virtual Teachers' Centre Cymru
This excellent activity is designed for pupils to think about and investigate shelters using a set of 11 photographs. This resources is downloadable for use offline and include an interactive whiteboard activity and lesson pack.
  The CITB-Construction Awards Scheme
Have a look at the student activities link
  Nuffield Primary Design & Technology
Information to Nuffield's commercial schemes of work but includes examples of pupils' work, classroom materials to download free of charge and other resources for teachers.
